torsdag 26 juni 2008

Iran, Shiraz-Yazd-Kharanaq

Luka. /Pentax

Oliver and the 17th century shaking minaret. /Pentax

Tuvalie and friend. /Pentax

Tanja and Pia in Kharanaq. /Pentax

After the decision to change our route to Africa instead, we all feel quite relieved, excited and very happy. Although it means some back tracking, we can now concentrate on enjoying ourselves with not too many worries. We all thought we would have a smooth and fast departure out of Iran, towards our new destination, but once again Iran seems to hold a grip of us…

We passed Yazd on our way back towards Tehran and turkey and decided to go for a slight detour to a village called Chak Chak, the most important Zoroastrian pilgrimage site in Iran. We were hoping to see the annual festival for which thousands of pilgrims gather, but we just missed it by a couple of days. Chak Chak houses a fire temple and one of the few remaining Zoroastrian eternal flame (the fire is said to have been burning for 4000 years). Since we were not allowed to stay the night (only Zoroastrians are) we headed on towards Kharanaq.

Chak Chak in the middle of the desert. /Pentax

The fire temple in Chak Chak. /Pentax

Kharanaq is a beautiful village where parts are believed to be more than 1000 years old and it´s been occupied in some form for more than 4000 years. Some restoration has been done but many buildings are unfortunately deserted and falling down. The views are spectacular though and we enjoyed just wandering around along the ancient irrigation system and getting lost in the old parts of town.

Beatiful Kharanaq. /Pentax

We planned to stay for one night but once again our stay was prolonged by an accident. Our travel companion Chi got hit by a motorcycle and injured her knee, so we had to visit the hospital and stay a couple of days in order for her to rest. Since both Chi and Linas and Richard´s Land Rover where in desperate need of some further maintenance (x-rays and new universal joint) we all headed back to the city Yazd.

We are now in Yazd since almost a week, and Milan has damaged his eye once again (!) and not allowed to leave until the doctor gives us permission. This time it is slightly more serious and Milan has to go for daily checkups in order to make sure the infection does not get worse. So, until Milan gets better we try to enjoy our days in the old winding mud alleys and colorful bazaars. Lina and Richard have taken the opportunity to improve their car slightly, by adding an AC and an extra fuel tank for example.

We just hope we will all be in good enough condition soon (both cars and passengers) in order to continue our travels, now towards Africa!

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Hej !
Hoppas allt är bra och att Milans öga läkt ihop (igen). Vet inte om ni fortfarande är i Iran eller kommit över gränsen till Pakistan. Har försökt följa med i turerna. Det ser nästan ut som om småttingarna blir större för varje ny bildserie.

Nu börjar semestern och vi har storslagna planer: vattna gräsmattan, bada i minipoolen och kanske en tur till sydsverige!

Lina N sa...

Hej på er Lina, Richard, Tuvalie och Oliver! Vad kul det är att kunna följa era äventyr, ni får verkligen vara med om mycket. Tuvalie, du måste komma till Kullerbyttan och berätta om din resa sen, och säg till mig innan så jag kan åka dit och lyssna:)
Ta hand om er nu och hoppas alla tillfrisknar snabbt!
Många kramar från Lina i ett regnigt Dalarna.